We support early stage programs that create sustained economic improvement & dignity for the ultra poor.
Our Approach
As a small foundation, we deploy small amounts of capital to achieve significant, sustainable, and meaningful impact. Our theory of change details how.
On the Blog -Upaya's Blueprint for Impact Investment Exits
Discover how Upaya Social Ventures is building inclusive economy by investing in businesses that create dignified jobs for people in extreme poverty.
Grant Partners
Our grants are investments in partners and programs intended to create economic opportunity and dignity for the ultra poor.
Impact Investments
We make impact investments in companies creating dignified economic opportunities for people experiencing poverty.
We believe small amounts of capital, given at the right time, can lead to transformational change.
See how we evaluate our belief and our work.
Support A Project!
Our grant partners run outstanding projects that can benefit from additional support. Click the button below to donate directly to a project!